As a passionate advocate for science and well-being, I welcome you to explore the diverse range of services offered at the Applied Physiology Laboratory, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

Our mission is clear: to advance research in exercise physiology, metabolism, body composition, sports nutrition, and women's health while nurturing the next generation of scientists.

UNC  Lab Services

UNC Lab Services

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    Research Protocol Design

    In our lab, we specialize in crafting research protocols that meet the highest scientific standards. Our tailored protocols address various facets of health and performance, providing a solid foundation for groundbreaking research.

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    Conducting Research at the UNC Lab

    Step into our world-class laboratory, where students and mentees work diligently under my guidance. Together, we strive to push the boundaries of understanding health and physiology, offering unique opportunities for hands-on experience.

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    Student Training

    Mentoring the next generation of scientists is one of the hallmarks of our lab. If you're a student with a passion for research, a desire to contribute to a team, and ready to challenge yourself, our lab is the perfect place to receive guidance and hands-on training, nurturing your curiosity and driving your pursuit of knowledge.

With a specialized focus on exercise physiology, body composition, sports nutrition, special populations, and women's health, our lab is committed to making a positive impact on lives worldwide. If you're a researcher seeking cutting-edge facilities, a student eager for hands-on experience, or a healthcare professional looking to enhance your practice with evidence-based insights, we invite you to explore the possibilities at the Applied Physiology Laboratory, UNC Chapel Hill.

Collaborations & Colleagues

“The best science happens when innovative minds come together. I am grateful to learn and grow from my collaborators.”

UNC Students in Action